Episode 2: What are the signs of a good recreational gymnastics program?
This week's episode starts with JR responding to questions/comments from last week's episode.
How to tell if your child is enrolled in a good, quality gymnastics program. JR covers 5 things that should be/shouldn't be happening in a quality gymnastics program.
1. Does your child's coach have eyes on ALL class members at ALL times
2. When you have a concern who do you go to?
3. Does your recreational coach consistently speak with you?
4. What do your gym bathrooms look like?
5. Is your child regularly administered skills testing?
Have questions? Write me a message on social media; @jrthegymnasticscoach on IG, FB, Tik Tok, and YouTube.
How to tell if your child is enrolled in a good, quality gymnastics program. JR covers 5 things that should be/shouldn't be happening in a quality gymnastics program.
1. Does your child's coach have eyes on ALL class members at ALL times
2. When you have a concern who do you go to?
3. Does your recreational coach consistently speak with you?
4. What do your gym bathrooms look like?
5. Is your child regularly administered skills testing?
Have questions? Write me a message on social media; @jrthegymnasticscoach on IG, FB, Tik Tok, and YouTube.